Monday, March 1, 2010

Fireproofing Challenge Session 2

Fireproofing Challenge Session 2: He First Loved Us
This weeks challenge is the same for men and women. There are 2 options this week:

Option 1: If you haven't already entered into a lifelong relationship with God, do it now; you can then use His great love to support a lasting marriage. God's love doesn't require perfection or complicated steps. Although sin separates us from God, God has made a way for us. Jesus came to bridge the gap between a perfect God and imperfect mankind. As the Bible states it:
"If you confess with you mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" Romans 10:9

That's all if takes- just an acknowledgment of your sins, your need for God's love and the sacrifice Jesus made for you. If made with a sincere and open heart, this confession will bring Dog's presence into your soul and give you eternal life with your creator.

If you want to receive this gift of love from God, simply pray a prayer like this:

Dear Jesus,
I don't know why you love me so much that you were willing to die a terrible death just for me. But I know that you did it so my sins could be forgiven and I could enter into a relationship with God. I know that I have sinned against you and that my sins separate me from you. I am truly sorry-please forgive me. Help me avoid temptation and sin as I follow you. Thank you for loving me and dying for me. I offer my life to you today, Jesus, and turn the reins over to you. Thank you for your perfect love. Amen.

If you prayed this prayer, tell your spouse.

Option 2: If you already have a committed relationship with Jesus, then you have His love and the Holy Spirit to help you love your spouse. Respond to the following questions and over the week focus on improvements you can make in your weakest area(s). Pray for your spouse and about the areas in which you could improve.

Below are several ways in which you can love your spouse through God. Rate yourself on each question using Very Infrequently, Infrequently, Neutral, Frequently, Very Frequently:
1. How frequently do you study God's word about love and marriage, and use that wisdom to guide you?
2. When you struggle to love your spouse, how likely are you to pray for God's encouragement, strength and guidance?
3. How likely are you to ask God to help you view and love your spouse in the same way He does?
4. How frequently do you pray for your spouse?

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